Welcome! Willkommen !
Advanced Coal Water/Oil Slurry Technologies
solutions for advanced Clean Coal Technology
erase your old image of coal:
coal/carbon slurry fuel - Coal Water Slurry / Coal O i l Slurry -
the new "oil" technology for cheap energy.
We offer advanced, intelligent and proven solutions for the necessary CWS specific technology.
vergessen Sie Ihr altes Image von Kohle:
Kohle/Kohlenstoff Suspension - Kohle Wasser /ÖL Suspension
die "neue" Öl Technolgie für billige Energie!
Wir bieten Ihnen fortschrittliche, intelligente und bewährte
Lösungen für die erforderlichen KWS spezifischen Technologien
produce cheaper energy out of (your): energy for: asphalt production
for achieving a CWS solution for considerable lower energy costs :
our very variable and competent services: version a: black text, version b: white text, for both: grey text
a) we supply to you all our knowledge and technical details with detailed plans etc. for our proven CWS technologies
and you build and adapt the necessary equipment partly or completely on your own, on licence basis, with our full continous support , or
b) we deliver, install and service our advanced, proven equipment for slurry production and -combustion
with our proven project procedure:
Situation analysis

Design and planning,
our offer,
your order
1)Analysis of your needs and existing equipment
We start with an initial deep project analysis, based on your actual situation, your needs and expectations and propose and discuss new solutions for achieving a costs saving method for producing your needed energy.
2) We make an overall design of a new solution with detailed plans
for a solution with high efficiency at lower costs.
We design the optimal solution for your needs with new components, necessary adaptations,
time schedule and last but not least the costs. We present our offer and hope for your order.
3) Complete engineering, production and delivery of all components.
Integrated technical solutions for new burner, new prechamber, adaptation of air and fuel supply,
ash management, electronic control system with integration to existing one, etc.
We produce and purchase all necessary components, assamble and test them.
Detailed engineerung
production, assembling,
Delivery, installation,
on site testing
Take over by you, start production
4) Delivery of complete systems, installation, testruns, training of your staff.
Celebrate success together
The new systems components are delivered to you, installed and tested and your coworkers are trained continously during these steps.
5)Hand over adapted system and control to you
We hand over the functioning system to you and your coworkers, and they run the production in a cheaper way than before
of course: combinations of version a) and b) are possible,
for examle: only specific parts delivered by us, the rest you do, with our advise..