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Advanced Coal Water/Oil Slurry Technologies
solutions for advanced Clean Coal Technology
erase your old image of coal:
coal/carbon slurry fuel - Coal Water Slurry / Coal O i l Slurry -
the new "oil" technology for cheap energy.
We offer advanced, intelligent and proven solutions for the necessary CWS specific technology.
vergessen Sie Ihr altes Image von Kohle:
Kohle/Kohlenstoff Suspension - Kohle Wasser /ÖL Suspension
die "neue" Öl Technolgie für billige Energie!
Wir bieten Ihnen fortschrittliche, intelligente und bewährte
Lösungen für die erforderlichen KWS spezifischen Technologien
produce cheaper energy out of (your): energy for: asphalt production
Possible different business models with CWS:
1) Become a CWS producer and supplier
If you run a coal mine or you run an oil raffinery, producing petcoke also, or you run a waste tyres pyrolysis plant, producing black carbon,
or you can buy the raw material from them:
Get a CWS mill from us, including all technical, logistic and economic details and issues and
start the business as CWS fuel supplier to
industrial users, needing heating energy for steam production, asphalt production, cement production, melting etc.
district central heating
electric power producers /powerplants.
CWS is easy to transport in tank trucks, tank wagons, tank barges, pipelines.
2) Become a CWS producer and user
If you need big heating resources on your own, get a CWS mill and the CWS combustion system from us and adapt your existing boilers for CWS usage. Of course we also offer new boilers . Buy coal or petcoke or carbon black as raw material.
You will save a lot of costs, compared to your actual oil, gas or mazud usage, about 30%. Investments will pay back within short.
3) Become a CWS user only
If you are a small or medium size heating energy user (1 or a few 3-10 MW systems), get a CWS combustion system from us and adapt your existing boilers for CWS usage. Of course we also offer new boilers. Buy the CWS from a close by CWS producer, which we inform you about.
You will save a lot of costs, compared to your actual oil, gas or mazut usage, about 30%. Investments will pay back within short.