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Advanced Coal Water/Oil Slurry Technologies
solutions for advanced Clean Coal Technology
erase your old image of coal:
coal/carbon slurry fuel - Coal Water Slurry / Coal O i l Slurry -
the new "oil" technology for cheap energy.
We offer advanced, intelligent and proven solutions for the necessary CWS specific technology.
vergessen Sie Ihr altes Image von Kohle:
Kohle/Kohlenstoff Suspension - Kohle Wasser /ÖL Suspension
die "neue" Öl Technolgie für billige Energie!
Wir bieten Ihnen fortschrittliche, intelligente und bewährte
Lösungen für die erforderlichen KWS spezifischen Technologien
produce cheaper energy out of (your): energy for: asphalt production
About us:
We are a technically oriented company in the area of energy production, offering advanced, state of the art solutions in the area of Coal Water Slurry, Coal Oil Slurry production and combustion, or gasification, applicable for new systems or adapted, existing plants.
Our vision:
Enough energy for the world, out of cheap (own) coal/carbon resources, save, affordable, environmental friendly
Our mission:
Supporting industries and powerplants in generating energy in a clean , economic and secure way, out of coal or carbon, with our advanced technologies